*Storytelling [#uc42808f]

:by National Storytelling Network|http://www.storynet.org/Resources/KnowledgeBank/whatisstorytelling.html
>>Storytelling is the interactive art of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story while encouraging the listener’s imagination.&br;
1. Storytelling is interactive. &br;
2. Storytelling uses words.&br;
3. Storytelling uses actions such as vocalization, physical movement and/or gesture.&br;
4. Storytelling presents a story.&br;
5. Storytelling encourages the active imagination of the listeners.&br;

*Digital Storytelling [#ua6daf72]
:by Mass Impact|http://www.massimpact.org/projects/digital_storytelling/index.shtml
>>Digital storytelling is the use of integrated digital technologies to develop and share personal stories and community histories. These multimedia narratives generally consist of text, voices and images that allow the individual to create candid and/or artistic accounts of their lives, experiences and perspectives on an arrays of topics. The horizon for the use of digital storytelling is endless and has led to the establishment of the Center for Digital Storytelling in Berkeley, CA in the 1990s.

:7 things you should know about Digital Storytellingから|&ref(ELI7021.pdf);
>>Digital storytelling is the practice of combining narrative with digital
content, including images, sound, and video, to create a short movie, typically with a strong emotional component. Sophisticated digital stories can be interactive movies that include highly produced audio and visual effects, but a set of slides with corresponding narration
or music constitutes a basic digital story. Digital stories can be instructional, persuasive, historical, or reflective. The resources available to incorporate into a digital story are virtually limitless, giving the storyteller enormous creative latitude. Some learning theorists believe that as a pedagogical technique, storytelling can be effectively applied to nearly any subject. Constructing a narrative
and communicating it effectively require the storyteller to think carefully about the topic and consider the audience’s perspective.

*STORY CIRCLE:Digital Storytelling Around the World [#t0c27739]
**Story Circle [#cb4e192a]
>> Story Circle is the first to attempt a comprehensive international study of the digital storytelling movement,locating it in current debates on user-led media, citizen consumers, media literacy, and new media participation.

>> Story Circleは,現在のユーザ主導のメディアに関する討論、市民消費者、メディアリテラシー、およびニューメディア参加の上で,デジタル・ストーリテリングの場所を見つけだすためのデジタル・ストーリテリング・ムーブメントの包括的な国際的な研究の最初の試みです.

**関連リンク [#m6c37f64]
:Center for Digital Storytelling(CDS)|カリフォルニアのBerkeley組織.

:Capture Wales|http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/

:The Digital Storytelling program at ACMI|http://www.acmi.net.au/digitalstorytelling.aspx

:Digital Storytelling on Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_storytelling

:mass IMPACT|http://www.massimpact.org/projects/digital_storytelling/index.shtml

:|2005年のSIGGRAPHのPOSTERを取り上げてくれたblog記事(June 19th, 2007)
>>Though a couple years old. This is a fascinating bit of research into visual representations of data sets, and even more so because Nomata uses famous architects and their relation to one another and architectural movements as the data set.

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