// [[:private]]

*イギリスへ行く予定を伝える [#u2772084]
-I'm going to England for conference from Sep. 20 to 24.&br;
-I might go to England this year[September].

*プレゼンしないこととその理由について [#p8758c39]
-but, I'm not going to give a presentation with formal style.
-but, I'm not going to give a presentation in front of audience.
Because my submission was acceptted as a POSTER.
-a bit happy and a bit sad (嬉しいような悲しいような)

*スライドの準備が要らない [#o221b514]
-I don't have to make a slides.
-I dont' have to prepare the documents for the presentation.
-So, I'm going to talk with people only who have a interest to my poster.

*楽しみたい [#ka1d59bf]
-I'm going to enjoy to this visiting.
-I couldn't last time.
-Last year, I went to L.A to attend the conference.
-But, during the L.A. I had been prepering for my presentation.
-So, This time I have to enjoy it!
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