• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
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 *挨拶 [#lb10ffe0]
 -Thanks for the introduction.
 -Good morning ( everyone ).
 -I'm Yuya, Yuya Nomata. From University of Tsukuba in Japan.
 -Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak with you today about my research.
 -Today I will be talking with you about "Graphical Digital Storytelling".
 *説明を進める表現 [#uea88de6]
 -First I'd like to give the introduction.
 -Let me explain more detail.
 -Now, we are moving to the next topic.
 -Now, Let us move to the last topic.
 -The first topic is visualization of person.
 -I'll show you how to input data on(in) the system.
 -Let's go back to the presentation.
 *スライド(図)の説明 [#q74ba4a4]
 -This is a picture of a history of computer architects.
 -This is a screen capture of out [ Graphical Storytelling System ].
 -You can see two pillar shaped timelines.
 --A pillar shaped timeline can be used to create a clearer visual representation of a person's history from life to death.
 -You can see a ...
 -This slide shows the change in....
 *手順の説明 [#p341211f]
 First, you select the database.
 Then you enter your USERID and PASSWORD.
 Then click "login" button.
 *インタラクションの説明 [#n6c4912c]
 **マウス [#mdb6dd0f]
 -If you hold down the left click button on the mouse and zoom in.
 -If you hold down the right click and zoom out.
 -When you select a timeline, it then moves to the center of the screen.
 -When you click on a PST, an Event Viewer Panel will (also) appear.
 **キータイプ [#q37caa39]
 -User can type data of birth and death.
 --First input the person's name then user can type the birthday on the data of birth text-field.
 *オブジェクトの説明 [#p078923c]
 -Each pillar shaped timeline hols the event data which was inputted by users.
 -A pillar shaped timeline can be used to create a clearer  visual representation of a person's history from life to death.
 *応用/今後の話 [#kaee10f2]
 -The system can be also used edutainment. A user could interactiviely add knowledge of historical person such as inventors or designer. As multiple users can share the system, users could interact and add new knowledge inspired by the other user's inputs.
 *まとめ/おわり [#m489ebc1]
 -I just explained all the topics.
 -Let me summarize about this presentation.
 --In this presentation, We propose a [ システム名 ] ...
 *お礼 [#xfca6006]
 -Again, Thank you for coming today.
 -We really appreciate very much.
 -We appreciate today's opportunity.
 *質疑応答 [#h8804019]
 -I'm sorry. Could you repeat your question?
 -Excuse me. Could you rephrase your question?
 -If there is no question, I would like to end my presentation.
 --Again. Thank you for coming today.
 -Could you speak up?
 -I'm sorry, but could you speak ( a little more ) slowly?
 -I'm sorry,  I still don't understand.
 -I'm afraid I don't understand you because of my limited English ( ability ).
 -Does that answer your question?
 -Did I answere your question?
 -I think it's because of my English ability.
 -The problem is my english.
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