
*例文 [#od0f3bb1]

I would like to reserve a single room for three nights at your hotel from September 19, 2006. My airplane is [JAL 001], arriving at Airport [ヒースロー空港] from Tokyo at 5:30 p.m. on September 19, 2006.My check-in time will be about 8:00 p.m.

*上のを元にCarlton Lodgeに出したメール [#y951e218]

 Dear Mr. Stickley,
 I am a guraduate student in Japan. My name is Yuya Nomata.
 I would like to reserve a single room(en suite) for three nights at your hotel
 from September 19, 2006.
 Do you have a bed available? 
 ( from 19/09/2006 to 22/09/2006 )
 Best regards, 
 Yuya Nomata
 Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba
 15-23 Villa shalom #307,
 Kasuga 3,Tsukuba, Ibaraki,
 305-0821 Japan
 Email: nomata@gmail.com
 Tel:  +81-90-8508-1785

*にCarlton Lodgeからの返信への返信 [#nd271433]
Thank you for replying so quickly. 
I prefer a room with private shower and toilet(£44.00).
My check-in time will be about 8:00 p.m.
Please find the information as you have requested.
Please let me know if there are any problems. 

-card details:
  card: VISA
  num.: ---- ---- ---- ----
  Exp. date: MONTH -- YEAR --

-contact phone number: +81-90-****-****(in Japan)

Best regards,

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