• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
 -Thanks for the Introduction.
 -Good morning ( everyone ).
 -My name is Yuya Nomata. I’m from University of Tsukuba in Japan.
 -Thank you for coming today.
 -Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak with you today about my research.
 -Today, I’m going to talk about “Graphical Digital Storytelling”. visualizing personal histories and relationships
 *INTRODUCTION [#j7539418]
 -First I’d like to give the introduction.
 -Representing person’s histories is a typical application of digital storytelling.
 --Any non-fiction story consist of people and events.
 --Each person is inter-connected through    a common event or keyword.
 --As the story progresses / the data becomes more complex.
 -It becomes more and more difficult too see how different people and events are inter-related.
 -For example …
 --When you read a non-fiction story / like a complex history book or a long biography 
 its often difficult to remember all of the people who involved
 --When you read a non-fiction story / like a complex history book or a long biography its often difficult to remember all of the people who involved
 and  how they are related to each other through different key events.
 -So, Our purpose is to make visual interface to explore complex story spaces.
 *Graphical Storytelling System [#e643d4cc]
 -This is a picture of a history of computer architects.
 -We propose  a Graphical Storytelling System to give you a clear visual representation 
 of these kinds of connections      through the use of what I call  pillar shaped timeline.
 -We propose  a Graphical Storytelling System to give you a clear visual representation of these kinds of connections      through the use of what I call  pillar shaped timeline.
 -Users can choose how much information they would like to see
 by adding key events and making the pillar fatter or thinner with data.
 -The system can save time by reviewing along history or non-fiction story  /  from beginning to end  
 and give the user the ability to jump to key-events and actors.
 -And also gives you a clear overview or summary that you couldn’t get     from the usual linear format of beginning to end text.
 -Instead of a timeline crowded with key events about a historical figure, you have one that is wider or thinner depending on data input by the user.
 *Overview [#wd25ffe6]
 -Let me now, give you an overview of the visualization method.
 -The user inputs the person’s data: first input the name, the date of birth and the year of death If the person has passed away.
 -Then, The system shows this data with a pillar shaped timeline.
 -This data sets the height of the pillar-shaped timeline for each person.
 -Users can input events into a description text including the year the event happened.
 -With each new event inputted the pillar grows fatter  to visually represent  an increase in ( total ) historical data.
 -Each pillar-shaped timeline     hold  the event data which was     inputted by the users.
 -You can also create a network of inter-connected keywords to show how individual timelines   and personal histories interconnect at common points
 and to show how the nature of the relationshisps.
 -The system has three view modes which the user can select from depending on the purpose.
 --The same model is used and only the viewing angle is changed to create the different displays.
 --Users can see detail of each event by seeing an overview of the story.
 -Let me explain in more detail. 
 *Visualization of Person [#qdaccf05]
 -The first topic is visualization of person. 
 -A pillar shaped timeline can be used to create a clear    visual representation of a person’s history from life to death.
 -For example we can represent the history of a Pablo Picasso who lived from 1881 to 1973 with this pillar shaped timeline.
 -It shows here that He was born in 1881 and died in 1973.
 *Demo [ person ] [#xf71a7a9]
 Let me show you a demonstration movie of this section.
 [ Person ]
 -When you double-click on any space around the pillars or on a keyword object  /  a panel where you can input a person’s data will appear.
 -First input the person’s name then user can type the birthday on the data of birth text-field
 -After that if the person is still living they(user) can check on the living box on the input panel.
 -If they have passed away then they can click on the [ no longer living ] box.
 -After inputting all of the person information the user can click on the submit button to add the data to the three-d space.
 *Visualization of Event [#l8507cdf]
 -Now, Let us move to the next topic.
 -The pillar shaped timeline changes   when some events are inputted.
 -This slide shows the change in  thickness as events from the years 1890     and 1974 are inputted.
 -With each new inputted event the pillar grows fatter     to visually represent   an increase in total historical data.
 -The thickness of the pillar shows the total number of events inputted within each person's history.
 -As the number of events increases the pillar growths in thickness.
 -In order to fit as much information on a timeline     of a historical figure or living person as possible the simple one dimensional timelines aren't clear enough since you would need to crowd too many events into a single line or have timelines that are too long.
 -If we want timeline easy to read, a pillar shaped timeline with the added dimension of volume is the perfect shape to give users an easy to read format.
 -Instead of a timeline that is crowded with text you have a simple pillar shape     that is fat or thin depending of how much data is input by the user.
 *View modes [#q979663d]
 -The system has three view modes. Depending on the purpose, the user can select from one of these viewmodes.
 the same model is used and only the viewing angle is changed to create the different displays 
 :Relation view mode|
 Relation view allow the user to choose an overhead timeline.
 This can give a clearer picture of relationships between different person’s history and allow users to better focus on how they are connected.
 The overview function can make a visual representation of connected histories so user can see a clear relationships between different histories.
 :Timeline view mode|
 Choose the side-view which  we called  “Timeline view mode”. 
 Users can focus on the length of different pillar shaped timelines to see the length     to see when each timeline happened in relation to others.
 This can be useful for comparison. 
 :Exocentric view mode ( in other words 3D viewmode)|
 This allows users to see both relationships and the timing between different histories at the same time.
 -Transition between view modes occurs smoothly.
 *Demo [#m287b398]
 -Now I’d like to show a demonstration of the program.
 -We implemented this system using Java and Database Engine:HSQLDB. 
 -First, you select the database. Then you enter your USER_ID and PASSWARD.
 -Then click login.
 -For our demo today I’ve already entered that historical data of some famous architects and designers …
 -For example,
 -1 ) this is the timeline for [  人物名 ].
 -2 ) here we have the timeline for [  人物名 ].
 -If you hold down the left click button on the mouse and zoom in.
 -If you hold down the right click and zoom out.
 -When you dragging right and left, then the 3D spaces rotates with the focused pillar-shaped timeline as an axis.
 -Then Event Text Viewer Panel will appear.
 -User can read event text.
 -When you select a pillar-shaped timeline, it then moves to the center of the screen.
 -When you click on a pillar shaped timeline, an Event Viewer Panel will also appear. ( !!プログラムappear しない)
 -When you click on the viewer panel, the saved personal history data that was entered about ______人名_______ appears. 
 -As you can see   timelines in the program are connected to each other       to show the nature of their connection.
 -For example the Alan Kay is connected to the ( architect ) Vannevar Bush 
 through the keyword MIT to show they both attended this famous school.(2:53 )
 -Now I’d like to show you how the system works by entering data.
 -First I’ll enter name in the name field.
 -Then I’ll put birrthday in the birth date field.
 -Then I’ll click on the Still-living option box;
 -Finally, After hitting submit button, The system create a pillar shaped timeline for ____________.
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